Changing Motion Activity

Which cart/ container combo does your group think is heavier? How did you decide ?

Cars and trucks designed to tow trailers usually have larger engines and more powerful brakes than those without a tow package. For Example, the new ford F-250 super duty tow package boasts a”6.7 Turbo Diesel V-8 with integrated Exhaust Braking”

Use the results of this experiment explain why this is significant.

Is the toy really “thrown forward” when the cart hits the barrier? From your observation, what really happens to the toy when the crash occurs.

As of September 19, 1997 Maine law requires drivers to ensure that they and their passengers are buckled-up. Use your observation to write a brief scientific explanation of why it is important to wear a seat belt when riding in an automobile.

Describe as accurately as you can what you observe happens to the toy when the cart starts to move. Does it really Fall Backwards when the cart is first pulled?

RSU5 policy JICC states that students should immediately take their seats and remain seated while the bus is in motion. Use your observations from this experiment to explain why bus drivers wait for passengers to be seated before getting under way.



Object at rest stays at rest.



This is a picture of a pendulum. With no outside forces acting upon it, it does not move.

Object at rest stays at rest.


This is the same pendulum. The outside force (the wood) pulls the balls away from their original position and when the board releases the balls they swing. This is an example of an outside force acting upon an object at rest.

Object in motion states in motion.



If a baseball is thrown in outerspace it will not stop until an outside force acts upon it, such as a meteor. There is no outside force, such as gravity or friction, acting on the ball. Therefore it will not stop moving until it comes in contact with another object.

Object in motion states in motion.



This image shows how the ball (the outside force) moves the mans head. This is an example of how an object stays in motion until acted upon by an outside force.

Effect of mass on inertia



This is an excerpt from a mythbusters experiment. A vehicle going 60 mph shot a ball out of the back going 60 mph. The ball stays in the same exact position horizontally, but falls vertically due to it’s mass and the effect of gravity.

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